Home Equipment & Products

We supply tools and devices for people with chronic illnesses, disabilities, or recovering from surgeries or injuries. We help you take care of yourself and manage your health conditions at home.


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Featured Products

What Can We Help You With?


Cervical Neck Traction

Relieve neck and shoulder pain with the latest cervical neck traction device. Enjoy a drug-free solution to improve posture, reduce stress, and increase mobility.

feature product removable toilet seat

Removable Toilet Seat

This removable toilet seat is perfect for adding convenience to any bedroom. Enjoy a quick and easy installation with no plumbing required! 

feature bad rail adjustable height

Adjustable Bed Rail

This bed assist rail is designed to provide extra support and stability with an adjustable height setting. Perfect for those who need help getting in and out of bed.

feature toilet safety rail

Toilet Safety Rail

Stay safe and secure in your bathroom with a toilet safety rail. Our rails are easy to install, durable, and adjustable – providing support and stability.


Toilet Safety Aid

 Discover the best toilet safety aids to make your bathroom experience safe, secure, and comfortable. Shop our selection of trusted brands today!

Walking Cane

Discover the perfect walking cane for your needs! Check out our wide selection of canes, from stylish and ornate to practical and ergonomic. Shop now!

Get in touch with Hybodies

Let’s Get In Touch

We are always happy to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to reach out.

Why Choose Hybodies

Provide the support and comfort that your loved ones need!

Our products are:

  • Designed with the user in mind. They are easy to use and provide what people need to live independently and safely.
  • Made with high-quality materials. They are built to last and can withstand the rigors of everyday use.
  • Backed by a satisfaction guarantee. If you are not happy with your purchase, you can return it for a full refund.
  • available for purchase on Amazon. This makes it easy to find the products you need and have them delivered right to your door.
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Our Goal

What Kind of People Do We Serve?

Our products are designed to help those who require extra support and assistance. Such as the elderly, those with disabilities, pregnant women, post-op care, and nursing staff.

Physical Therapy

Discover the benefits of physical therapy and learn how it can help heal your body, improve mobility, reduce pain, and more.

Bath & Shower Safety

Keep yourself and your loved ones safe with our helpful tips on bath & shower safety.

Bedroom & Household

Make your home the perfect place to relax and unwind with our range of bedroom & household assistance products.

Daily Living Aids

We provide top quality daily living aids to help you stay independent and comfortable.

Tools & Accessories

Discover the best nursing staff tools and safety accessories available.


Products To Be Released


Walking Cane with Alarming Function

TWS digital hearing aid

TWS Digital Hearing Aid


We sell products and manage orders on Amazon

Shop with confidence on Amazon, the world’s largest and most established platform. We offer a wide selection of quality products with a global reach.








What Our Customers Say

Relax Your Neck

It takes some time to get use to using, consistency is the key. I use in the morning and before bed and started with 3-5 mins and have worked up to 10-15 mins. It has corrected some of my posture issues, extra bonus.


Very Useful

I ordered this Bed Rail for my Mother to assist her getting out of Bed. This Bed Assist Bar came well-packaged, in several Parts and was easy to assemble. My Mother likes that this Bed Rail because it’s adjustable in Height and because it comes with Storage Space, namely a Bag, which has two Pockets. 

– Lily

Easy Install and Works

This think works great. I have a friend that is older and unable to visit due to being unable to use the facilities without handicap handles. This provides exactly what she needs! I was able to install it within 30-45 minutes. It is sturdy, doesn’t make cleanup difficult by adding a seat above the toilet.

– Tosh


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