How to care for hearing aids

Written by Hybodies

At Hybodies, we provide unique home medical care solutions that are tailored specifically to each individual's needs.

Published on August 10, 2023

ere are some tips on how to care for your hearing aids:

  • Clean your hearing aids daily. Use a soft, dry cloth to remove any visible dirt or debris from the hearing aid. You can also use a hearing aid cleaning kit, which will include a brush and solution to help remove wax and other buildup.
  • Change your hearing aid batteries regularly. When the batteries start to get low, you will hear a warning signal from your hearing aid. It is important to change the batteries as soon as possible to prevent damage to your hearing aid.
  • Store your hearing aids properly. When you are not wearing your hearing aids, store them in a safe, dry place. Avoid storing them in hot or humid conditions.
  • Get your hearing aids serviced regularly. It is important to have your hearing aids serviced by a hearing healthcare professional every year or two. This will help to ensure that your hearing aids are working properly and that they are clean and free of debris.

Here are some additional tips for caring for your hearing aids:

  • Do not wear your hearing aids in the shower or bath. Water and moisture can damage your hearing aids.
  • Do not use hairspray or other aerosol products near your hearing aids. These products can damage the delicate components of your hearing aid.
  • Be careful not to drop your hearing aids. A drop can damage the hearing aid, making it necessary to repair or replace it.
  • If you are not sure how to care for your hearing aids, ask your hearing healthcare professional for instructions. They will be able to provide you with specific instructions for your hearing aid model.

By following these tips, you can help to extend the life of your hearing aids and ensure that they are working properly.

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